ASCII Cast from asciinema

Hugo Shortcode for asciinema cast #

Embed any casts from asciinema to demonstrate your terminal sessions or any cli app.

Minimal example #

Here is a simple cast recorded with asciinema:


{{< asciicast id="AyrL49ZCvbvICGRmMT8Q9rz5B" >}}

Full example #

With parameters you can override speed, theme, etc.


{{< asciicast

Parameters #

idID of your cast.
themeOne of available asciinema themes, full list you can find in asciinema docs.
startAt0The time at which the playback should start.
speed1The speed of cast playback. 2 means 2 times faster.
loopfalseIf true, the cast will be played in a repeat mode.
autoplayfalseIf true, the cast will start automatically, else it will start only after click.
preloadtrueIf true, the cast will be prefetched before user interaction.
columnsThe width of cast in symbols. If don’t passed, it will be equal the size of your terminal when you recorded the cast.
rowsThe height of cast in rows.

Site Parameters #

You can set defaults in Site Parameters. For config.toml:

    Theme = 'monokai'
    Speed = 2
    Loop = true
    AutoPlay = true
    Preload = true
    Columns = 80
    Rows = 25

For config.yaml:

      Theme: 'monokai'
      Speed: 2
      Loop: true
      AutoPlay: true
      Preload: true
      Columns: 80
      Rows: 25

Installation #

Don’t forget to install shortcode before usage.

Install all shortcodes at once

If you need dozens of them, it’s better to attach this repository as a theme to your website.

First, add the theme as a git submodule:

git submodule add -b theme themes/hugo-shortcodes

Then add the theme to your config.toml. Most likely you have the following line in your config:

theme = 'ananke'

There may be another theme in place of “ananke”.

Then surround the theme with square brackets, and appends 'hugo-shortcodes' with a comma at the end:

theme = [ 'ananke', 'hugo-shortcodes' ]

That’s it! If your hugo server is running, it is better to restart it to avoid unexpected behavior.

Now you can use all the shortcodes on any content page of your site.

Install only current shortcode

If you need only one shortcode or installing a theme is too complicated, you may get it easier.

That’s it! If your hugo server is running, it is better to restart it to avoid unexpected behavior.

Now you can use the shortcode on any content page of your site.